Contact us
In an emergency
As your health and wellbeing is important to us, please do not contact us in an emergency situation.
For emergencies call 000 (triple zero).
For mental health emergencies call the Mental Health Emergency Response Line (external site) on 1300 555 788.
For medical advice
For medical advice call healthdirect (external site) on 1800 022 222.
Enquire about a patient
If you are an approved contact of a current Peel Health Campus patient, please call 9531 8000.
If your enquiry relates to a patient and you are not an approved contact, please contact the patient’s next-of-kin for information.
For reasons of medical safety and patient confidentiality, we are unable to provide clinical advice or information about patients via email.
Change or cancel outpatient appointments
Please visit our outpatients page.
Refer a patient
See information for health professionals.
Accessing medical records (Freedom of information)
Find how to access medical records for yourself or others.
Find out more about working at Peel Health Campus.
Share your feedback
All feedback is welcome – read how to share feedback about your experience at Peel Health Campus.
Conduct and standards enquiries
Read about misconduct and how to report it.
Media enquiries
Phone 0424 148 551 or email SMHS Media
Our contact details
Peel Health Campus
Street address: 110 Lakes Road, Mandurah WA 6210
Postal address: PO Box 2013, Mandurah DC WA 6210
Phone: 9531 8000