Maternity services
We offer a full range of support services for both inpatients and outpatients, including social workers, physiotherapists and dietitians.
We provide care to all women who live in our postcode catchment area – use your postcode (HealthyWA) to see if you can be referred to our service.
Antenatal support services available at Peel Health Campus include:
- antenatal care to women with low to moderate risk pregnancies antenatal in consultation with their:
- general practitioner (GP)
- GP obstetrician
- endorsed midwife
- obstetric clinic (moderate to high-risk pregnancies) with referral to a tertiary hospital if appropriate
- diabetes referral
- newborn hearing clinic
- social work referrals.
The antenatal assessment unit provides support for the following:
- bleeding in pregnancy
- reduced foetal movements
- assessment if you think you are in labour
- if you have any other concerns.
Contact us
We provide a 24-hour service. For any concerns contact us on 9531 8230.
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